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Connecting Crypto Valley with RWA leaders & shapers

Your entry road into digital assets diversification.

Connecting Crypto Valley with the global Real-World Asset Leaders and Shapers.

Tokenized real-world assets (RWA), such as real estate, commodities, and insurance products, are an increasingly popular trend in the industry. According to a recent study by Citi bank the tokenized securities market could reach $4 trillion by 2030.

Tokenizing RWA allows for fractional ownership and makes investing in RWA more accessible to a broader range of investors; last but not least acts as an alternative investment diversifier in an institutional portfolio of investor or treasurer.

We examined the role of RWA as an entry road to the institutional adoption of crypto assets and shared novel Cerchia research and announced the launch of the first Swiss Asset DAO.

Launch of Swiss Asset Dao -> Join and build with us a new chapter in the Swiss Crypto Valley.

Launch of the 1st Cerchia RWA research paper -> Download and share